New 30 Seconds to Mars Song, Album Info, and Artwork

30 seconds to mars, 30stm, jared leto, shannon leto, tomo Miličević
Calling all members of the Echelon!  Not only can you now stream 30 Seconds To Mars’ single “Up In The Air” (yes, the one that was launched into space), you can now also mark your calendars because we have the title, release date, and artwork for their upcoming album!

30 Seconds To Mars’ new album is entitled Love Lust Faith + Dreams (for the sake of  both my love for this band and good grammar, I will just hope/pretend the lack of commas is somehow meaningful), and is to be released on May 21st.  The artwork can be seen below:

30 seconds to mars, Love Lust Faith + Dreams, album artwork

“Up In The Air” begins with 30stm’s trademark resounding gang vocals, but also shows the band’s evolution into the modern era of popular music, featuring an EDM-inspired buzzing bass and synth.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s still a rock song, and it definitely still sounds like 30 Seconds To Mars.  The bridge is easily the most epic part of the song for me, with powerful drums contrasting Jared Leto’s quiet, raspy vocals.  Listen below and see what I mean!

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  1. aqualech 12 years ago

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