Paracosm – Washed Out


The music recorded by Ernest Greene as Washed Out has been nothing if not dreamy texture to the music, and on this album his second full-length, Paracosm, he takes the dreamlike, otherworldly atmospheres of his music a huge leap further.The texture and beauty of the music just takes listeners in and just makes a dream atmosphere come alive.

The title refers to a phenomenon in which people create detailed imaginary worlds, and the idea of escaping is all over Paracosm’s music and lyrics. Paracosm finds Greene reaching beyond the computers and synths that filled Washed Out’s previous recordings, expanding his sonic palette to include over 50 different instruments, the most significant of which turned out to be old keyboards like the Mellotron, Chamberlin, Novatron, and Optigan. If you enjoy this kind of music then Paracosm comes out August 13th.

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