The Dangerous Summer, a band who named themselves after the Ernest Hemingway novel of the same title, is sticking to their roots with their just released instrumental track, “Hemingway.” The track won’t be featured on the band’s upcoming third studio album, but it’s still worth a listen (or twenty), and has us more revved up than ever for new TDS material.
The track features a recording of Ernest Hemingway’s 1954 Nobel Prize acceptance speech at the beginning, before the instruments fully kick in. Hemingway clearly had a way with words, and while vocalist A.J. Perdomo of the band has written some notably creative and emotional lyrics, The Dangerous Summer proves that they don’t necessarily need words to be great.
New members, Ben Cato (1994), and Matt Kennedy (The Graduate), fit right into the group, bringing the intensity and heaviness to what is not even necessarily heavy music, a TDS specialty. The band typically releases alternative/emo jams riding the edge of pop punk, and it sounds like their new music will continue that tradition, and we are READY.
You can listen to “Hemingway” below. It may not be on the album, but it’s certainly an opener for a live show if I’ve ever heard one.