Le sigh. Okay, Coachella…I love you. I really, really do. But this whole, “stirring-up-publicity-when-you-clearly-have-no-idea-whats-going-on-thing?” Yeah…it’s getting old. First you posted the round rock in the middle of a field, hinting at the possibility that The Rolling Stones were playing, before you squashed that dream. You then hinted at everyone from The Postal Service to David Bowie to freaking Prince headlining, only to zip your lips right after the rumors came out. And NOW, you tease us even more with a video that can only be described as an acid trip in the desert while reading a Dr. Suess book, which has literally no additional information about any headliners.
This has to stop.
By this time last year, the lineup had not only been announced, but both show dates were sold out. At the rate this year is going, people will be staring at the stage taking bets on who is going to come on last.
Just tell us the headliner(s) already, and no one gets hurt.