Okay, so before I even start to tell everyone about this, I need to put out a disclaimer.
This video is:
• Not safe for work
• Not safe for children
• Not safe for the squeamish
• Not safe for people scared of clay
Alright, now that we have that out of the way, Kill The Noise have just released a, quite frankly, disturbing new video for their single, “Blvck Mvgic (Kill The Noise Pt. 2) from OWSLA. The claymation creation starts off with a witch hunt, and eventually turns into a gore-fest that Rob Zombie himself would be jealous of, complete with the slaughter of women, children, and babies. While the song itself is admittedly pretty epic, I don’t exactly think this much gore was necessary. For me, it definetly took my focus away from the song…but hey, that’s what happens when you kill claymation babies. Check it out below, and remember: you’ve been warned.